Word also has a Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard (found under the Mailings tab > Start Mail Merge button), which basically walks you through the process above. A mail merge involves merging a main document with a data source. Quick tip: In the 'Start Mail Merge' drop-down, you can also select 'Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard' at the bottom of the list for a more guided run-through of the mail merge process. If you use a different title Word may not pick up that part of each address. Then click Next: Select recipients at the bottom. If your letter is in another Word file, click the Start from existing document to open that file. Click the Use the current document option to use your current letter for the task. Use mail merge to create and send bulk mail, labels, and envelopes. Open the mail merge document and choose Yes when Word prompts you to keep the connection. You can reuse the mail merge document for your next bulk mailing. There is no Mail Merge option under Edit. On the following screen, Word will ask what document you want to use for mail merge. When you save the mail merge document, it stays connected to your data source. 6) merge to a new document for your review before printing. 5) map how the fields in a contact map to the fields on the envelope by exposing the merge fields. The Mail Merge Wizard is a nifty tool that can help beginners work their. 4) select whether to take merge data from a Numbers document or the address book. In addition to letters (which can be any sort of document, including certificates and coupons), you can choose emails, envelopes, labels, or directories as the document type. For example, Word uses the title Address 1 for the first line of addresses. Click on the Mailings tab, click on Start Mail Merge -> Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard. Before you begin preparing templates for use with Redtail, it’s a good idea that you become familiar with what fields Redtail supports as available for Mail Merge documents. Repeat this for other types of documents you'd like to use mail merge for. The procedure for building mail merge templates is just slightly different when building your template using Word for Mac.